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2013-01-21, 06:18 PM,
ارسال : #1
من به تازگی ف*ی*ل*ت*ر*ش*ک*ن ت*و*ر براوزر رو واسه لینوکس دانلود کردم اما وقتی startمی کنم یه صفحه ی متنی باز می شه . چرا؟
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2013-01-21, 07:31 PM,
ارسال : #2
Re: ف*ی*ل*ت*ر*ش*ک*ن
خوب چی میگه؟

اکنون در ubuntu.ir با نام کاربری nixoeen فعال هستم.
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2013-01-21, 07:36 PM,
ارسال : #3
Re: ف*ی*ل*ت*ر*ش*ک*ن
نمی دونم من تازه دو هفته است که لینوکس رو نصب کردم
# GNU/Linux does not really require something like RelativeLink.c
# However, we do want to have the same look and feel with similar features.
# To run in debug mode simply pass --debug
# Copyright 2011 The Tor Project. See LICENSE for licensing information.

complain_dialog_title="Tor Browser Bundle"

# First, make sure DISPLAY is set. If it isn't, we're hosed; scream
# at stderr and die.
if [ "x$DISPLAY" = "x" ]; then
echo "$complain_dialog_title must be run within the X Window System." >&2
echo "Exiting." >&2
exit 1

# Determine whether we are running in a terminal. If we are, we
# should send our error messages to stderr...
if [ -t 1 -o -t 2 ]; then

# ...unless we're running in the same terminal as startx or xinit. In
# that case, the user is probably running us from a GUI file manager
# in an X session started by typing startx at the console.
# Hopefully, the local ps command supports BSD-style options. (The ps
# commands usually used on Linux and FreeBSD do; do any other OSes
# support running Linux binaries?)
ps T 2>/dev/null |grep startx 2>/dev/null |grep -v grep 2>&1 >/dev/null
ps T 2>/dev/null |grep xinit 2>/dev/null |grep -v grep 2>&1 >/dev/null

# not_running_in_same_terminal_as_foo has the value 1 if we are *not*
# running in the same terminal as foo.
if [ "$not_running_in_same_terminal_as_startx" -eq 0 -o \
"$not_running_in_same_terminal_as_xinit" -eq 0 ]; then

# Complain about an error, by any means necessary.
# Usage: complain message
# message must not begin with a dash.
complain () {
# Trim leading newlines, to avoid breaking formatting in some dialogs.
complain_message="`echo "$1" | sed '/./,$!d'`"

# If we're being run in a terminal, complain there.
if [ "$ARE_WE_RUNNING_IN_A_TERMINAL" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$complain_message" >&2

# Otherwise, we're being run by a GUI program of some sort;
# try to pop up a message in the GUI in the nicest way
# possible.
# In mksh, non-existent commands return 127; I'll assume all
# other shells set the same exit code if they can't run a
# command. (xmessage returns 1 if the user clicks the WM
# close button, so we do need to look at the exact exit code,
# not just assume the command failed to display a message if
# it returns non-zero.)

# First, try zenity.
zenity --error \
--title="$complain_dialog_title" \
if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then

# Try kdialog.
kdialog --title "$complain_dialog_title" \
--error "$complain_message"
if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then

# Try xmessage.
xmessage -title "$complain_dialog_title" \
-center \
-buttons OK \
-default OK \
-xrm '*message.scrollVertical: Never' \
if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then

# Try gxmessage. This one isn't installed by default on
# Debian with the default GNOME installation, so it seems to
# be the least likely program to have available, but it might
# be used by one of the 'lightweight' Gtk-based desktop
# environments.
gxmessage -title "$complain_dialog_title" \
-center \
-buttons GTK_STOCK_OK \
-default OK \
if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then

if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
complain "The Tor Browser Bundle should not be run as root. Exiting."
exit 1

usage_message="usage: $0 [--debug]"
if [ "$#" -eq 1 -a \( "x$1" = "x--debug" -o "x$1" = "x-debug" \) ]; then
printf "\nDebug enabled.\n\n"
elif [ "$#" -eq 1 -a \( "x$1" = "x--help" -o "x$1" = "x-help" \) ]; then
echo "$usage_message"
exit 0

# If the user hasn't requested 'debug mode', close whichever of stdout
# and stderr are not ttys, to keep Vidalia and the stuff loaded by/for
# it (including the system's shared-library loader) from printing
# messages to $HOME/.xsession-errors . (Users wouldn't have seen
# messages there anyway.)
# If the user has requested 'debug mode', don't muck with the FDs.
if [ "$debug" -ne 1 ]; then
if [ '!' -t 1 ]; then
# stdout is not a tty
exec >/dev/null
if [ '!' -t 2 ]; then
# stderr is not a tty
exec 2>/dev/null

# If XAUTHORITY is unset, set it to its default value of $HOME/.Xauthority
# before we change HOME below. (See xauth(1) and #1945.) XDM and KDM rely
# on applications using this default value.
if [ -z "$XAUTHORITY" ]; then

# If this script is being run through a symlink, we need to know where
# in the filesystem the script itself is, not where the symlink is.
if [ -L "$myname" ]; then
# XXX readlink is not POSIX, but is present in GNU coreutils
# and on FreeBSD. Unfortunately, the -f option (which follows
# a whole chain of symlinks until it reaches a non-symlink
# path name) is a GNUism, so we have to have a fallback for
# FreeBSD. Fortunately, FreeBSD has realpath instead;
# unfortunately, that's also non-POSIX and is not present in
# GNU coreutils.
# If this launcher were a C program, we could just use the
# realpath function, which *is* POSIX. Too bad POSIX didn't
# make that function accessible to shell scripts.

# If realpath is available, use it; it Does The Right Thing.
possibly_my_real_name="`realpath "$myname" 2>/dev/null`"
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
# realpath is not available; hopefully readlink -f works.
myname="`readlink -f "$myname" 2>/dev/null`"
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
# Ugh.
complain "start-tor-browser cannot be run using a symlink on this operating system."

# Try to be agnostic to where we're being started from, chdir to where
# the script is.
mydir="`dirname "$myname"`"
test -d "$mydir" && cd "$mydir"

# If ${PWD} results in a zero length HOME, we can try something else...
if [ ! "${PWD}" ]; then
# "hacking around some braindamage"
export HOME
surveysays="This system has a messed up shell.\n"
export HOME

if ldd ./App/Firefox/firefox-bin | grep -q "libz\.so\.1.*not found"; then

export LDPATH

if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then
printf "\nStarting Vidalia now\n"
cd "${HOME}"
printf "\nLaunching Vidalia from: `pwd`\n"
# XXX Someday we should pass whatever command-line arguments we got
# (probably filenames or URLs) to Firefox.
./App/vidalia --loglevel debug --logfile vidalia-debug-log \
--datadir Data/Vidalia/ -style Cleanlooks
printf "\nVidalia exited with the following return code: $?\n"

# not in debug mode, run proceed normally
printf "\nLaunching Tor Browser Bundle for Linux in ${HOME}\n"
cd "${HOME}"
# XXX Someday we should pass whatever command-line arguments we got
# (probably filenames or URLs) to Firefox.
./App/vidalia --datadir Data/Vidalia/ -style Cleanlooks
if [ "$exitcode" -ne 0 ]; then
complain "Vidalia exited abnormally. Exit code: $exitcode"
exit "$exitcode"
printf '\nVidalia exited cleanly.\n'
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2013-01-21, 08:35 PM,
ارسال : #4
Re: ف*ی*ل*ت*ر*ش*ک*ن
این یعنی در Permissionها مجوز Execute به این فایل داده نشده. مجوز Execute رو به اون فایل بدید.

اکنون در ubuntu.ir با نام کاربری nixoeen فعال هستم.
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2013-01-21, 09:27 PM,
ارسال : #5
Re: ف*ی*ل*ت*ر*ش*ک*ن
ببخشید میشه بیشتر توضیح بدهید!!!!!من فقط 2هفته است که لینوکس نصب کردم:دی
یعنی دقیقا چیکارکنم؟
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2013-01-22, 12:07 AM,
ارسال : #6
Re: ف*ی*ل*ت*ر*ش*ک*ن
نیاز به tor browser در لینوکس نیست. شما بسته ی tor رو نصب کن، بعد مرورگرت رو تنظیم کن. اگه نمیدونی، سرچ کن.
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2013-01-29, 12:22 AM,
ارسال : #7
Re: ف*ی*ل*ت*ر*ش*ک*ن
توزیعت چیه؟
مشاهده تارنمای کاربر جستجوی تمامی ارسال های کاربر
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2013-01-31, 10:32 PM,
ارسال : #8
Re: ف*ی*ل*ت*ر*ش*ک*ن
من یه بار دیگه دانلودش کردم این دفعه run میشه و درست کار می کنه با اینکه هردوبار از سایت torproject دانلود کردم
به هر حال نفهمیدم مشکلش چی بود ولی جالب بود!!!!
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کاربران در حال مشاهده موضوع : 1 مهمان